Bolo India Trust is a non profit organization (NGO) supported by community leaders, corporate sponsors, Youngsters and concerned citizens join. There will be a day–in our lifetime–when we get to celebrate every women on the planet having hygienic and clean sanitary materials. Every drop in the ocean counts. At any given time, girls across India cannot afford sanitary napkins. Instead they use cloth, grass, newspapers and other unhygienic materials that increase their risk of contracting infections. It is estimated that over 80% of all women in India do not have access to sanitary products during menstruation. Female menstruation is still considered a social taboo and as such, 9 out of 10 girls are unaware of their menstrual cycles. The ones who are aware of it are not open to talking about it. Those who purchase their own sanitary products are all too familiar with their products being wrapped in paper to “shield” the public from any knowledge of the existence of a period. For every Rs. 15/- that you donate, we will purchase one packet of sanitary napkins of Rs. 30/- that contain 7 pads. This packet of sanitary napkins will be distributed for free to girls and women’s in Govt. schools, slums, orphanages in the age group of 12 to 50. If you are making donation of Rs. 180/-, we will be given Rs. 360/- worth sanitary pad packets to 12 women for their one month requirement. For every donation, we will add matching amount and donate Sanitary
Funds Raised
Bolo India Trust donates the Sanitary Napkins in the poor societies, schools and slums
Over 15 group training sessions per week There is no one type or way in our diverse community. Come as you are!
Bolo India Trust provides Free Education to the Poor Children in the Villages, Poor Societies and slum areas
Bolo India Trust is a nonprofit organization supported by community leaders, corporate sponsors, churches and concerned citizens join. There will be a day–in our lifetime–when we get to celebrate.
Bolo India Trust is a nonprofit organization supported by community leaders, corporate sponsors, churches, helpless etc. and concerned citizens
Bolo India Trust is a nonprofit organization supported by community leaders, corporate sponsors, churches, helpless etc. and concerned citizens
Bolo India Trust is a nonprofit organization supported by community leaders, corporate sponsors, churches, helpless etc. and concerned citizens
Bolo India Trust is a nonprofit organization supported by community leaders, corporate sponsors, churches, helpless etc. and concerned citizens